Electrical Power Generation

Electric Power Generation is the method of generating electrical power from primary energy sources. It is the first step of the electrical power cycle (The other ones being transmission, distribution, analysis, operations, and control). Electrical power is not directly available in nature. Instead, it should be generated by converting other forms of energy to electricity. … Read more

Electrical Transformer Online Objective MCQ Questions

Electrical transformers play a crucial role in transmitting and distributing electrical energy. They enable the efficient transfer of electrical energy between circuits, allowing power to be sent over long distances and voltage levels to be adjusted. Transformers work on the principles of electromagnetic induction and consist of two or more coils of wire wound around … Read more

Diesel Power Plant Objective MCQ Questions

Diesel power plants generate electricity by burning diesel fuel in an internal combustion engine and using the resulting mechanical energy to drive a generator. They are widely employed because of their portability features and their capability to provide reliable power in remote locations or during emergencies. Diesel power plants have quick start-up times and are … Read more

Electrical Protective Relay Objective MCQ Questions

Protection relays are crucial components in electrical systems that monitor parameters such as current, voltage, frequency, and power factor. They protect against short circuits, ground faults, overvoltages, and undervoltage. They detect faults and abnormal conditions, isolate faulty system sections, and prevent further damage and downtime. In modern systems, protection relays are integrated with communication and … Read more

Electrical Fuse Objective MCQ Questions

Fuses are essential components in electrical systems that protect circuits and devices from overcurrents and short circuits. Fuses are crucial for the safe operation of electrical equipment and for protecting property and lives. They contain a fuse element that melts or blows when excessive current flows through it, breaking the circuit and preventing further damage. … Read more

Circuit Breaker Objective MCQ Questions Online

Circuit breakers are essential components that protect against potential hazards, ensuring people’s and property’s safety. Circuit breakers are critical for providing safe and reliable operation of electrical systems installed in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. They protect against potential hazards caused by overloads, short circuits, and other abnormal conditions by interrupting the circuit when necessary. … Read more

Nuclear Power Plant MCQ Questions

A Nuclear power plant generates electricity through nuclear fission, using uranium-235 as fuel. Control rods made of boron or cadmium regulate nuclear reactions and prevent overheating. The heat generated in nuclear power is transferred to a coolant that produces steam that drives turbines and generates electricity. Safety measures, including emergency shutdown systems, backup power supplies, … Read more

Hydroelectric Power Plant MCQ Questions

Hydroelectric power plants use flowing water to produce electricity and are an efficient and environmentally friendly renewable energy source. They comprise a dam, reservoir, penstock, turbine, and generator. Hydroelectric power plants have advantages such as producing clean, renewable energy without emitting greenhouse gases, providing a stable and reliable source of electricity, and supporting aquatic ecosystems. … Read more

Top 5 Sources of Energy Around Us

Energy is an essential aspect of human life. It is what powers our homes, transportation, and industries. Different energy sources around us include solar, wind, water, fuels, and nuclear power. The primary bulk power generation sources are water, fuels, and nuclear energy. Energy from the sun and wind have yet to be fully utilized on … Read more

Steam Power Plant MCQs – Steam Power Station Objective Multiple Choice Questions

A steam power plant belongs to a class of power plants that generate electrical power from the heat energy of coal combustion. Like any other power plant, on the bigger picture components of the steam power plant are a prime move, an alternator, and a source for turning the prime mover. Electrical Engineering Online shares … Read more